When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts" and you put your two cents in . . what happens to the other penny?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Over the past few months I have had a sneaking suspicion that one of my supervisors hasn't been completely honest on their time card reporting, namely regarding vacation hours.
So a little snooping in my databases led me to discover that this past pay period (covering the Christmas Break), she reported 7 hours vacation although she had taken an entire week and a half off.
I fear my work environment has turned into Gotham City with crooked politicians and leaders. If I try to do what's right and expose the crooks, what retaliation can the leaders have against me? Namely, can I lose my job?


  1. People are corrupt everywhere, I've come to find that out.

  2. Get her, Meg. She'll probably claim some lame, "Well, I was working from home," but you still should point it out. As an employer, I get really, really, really angry at employees stealing time from me. It's called shoplifting, no matter its form.

  3. If I read your blog, is that, like, eavesdropping?

    Anyway, I'm a Utahan, and if you work at the U, that means your supervisor does too, which means that her salary is paid by taxpayers like me.

    Totally report her. There are whistleblower laws that will protect you, and my guess is that whomever supervises your supervisor will appreciate it.

    Or maybe you'll get fired.
