When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts" and you put your two cents in . . what happens to the other penny?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Little People, Big... Mouth?

On Saturday I made quite a slew of mistakes. The first one was going to Costco on a Saturday. :-S The hustle and bustle drives me nearly to a full-blown panic attack.
The second mistake was entirely something to be shown on some late-night sitcom. Too bad Seinfeld isn't still around...
As I was making my way back to the frozen food section, I had to meander through the free sample tables. Most of them aren't appetizing to me at all... Clam Chowder, Vitamin suppliments, etc. But as I turned a corner, I saw a Costco man sitting at a table for those Hilshire Farms Li'l Smokies things. I love those things. I got all excited. I could feel my eyes grow wide and I made one of my happy noises. Almost too loud for a Costco on Saturday, I exclaim "I LOVE LITTLE WEINERS!!"
Almost as suddenly as I had said it, I noticed that the man sitting at the Li'l Smokies table wasn't sitting at all. He was actually standing. He was a midget.
I furiously blushed and felt terrible, hoping that the Little Man hadn't heard my audible interjection.
But then I thought, "That's not my fault! Who's idea was it to use a Little Person to promote Fun-Size entities?"

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